Name | Description | Members |
SomeGuild | Building an active guild to complete all stages of rewards. Inactivity = Byebye! | 14/15 |
Fat Ogres | Tre | 14/15 |
Mountain Dew | First Reward Achieved! The sky is the limit when we are all doing our Baja Best! | 15/15 |
Over Achiever | Not Coda’s guild anymore. | 14/15 |
风火雷电 | 快乐耍游戏,认真打团本 | 12/15 |
Muh | Muh macht die Kuh | 13/15 |
Acc buyers | Work work | 13/15 |
All seeing I | If you see | 14/15 |
Big Bang | Welcome to Big Bang Theory | 15/15 |
Lasagna | Lasagna lovers | 15/15 |
TGIF | At least we have chicken | 15/15 |
The Crit Show | Be active! Do PvP! | 15/15 |
已宰的羔羊 | 朝阳群众… | 13/15 |
Alone Together | Come be alone. Together. | 15/15 |
Aussie Fighters | All Aussie players welcome. active. | 15/15 |
Superior Ooze | Unearned tho | 14/15 |
Balo | Powstanie | 7/15 |
Đark inside | Los de siempre haciendo lo mejor como siempre | 13/15 |
TheAuctionHouse | Goal: 30,000 War Chest Crest Reward: AYCE KoreanBBQ for all -Ceviche | 14/15 |
Tekken Top Team | TKN | 15/15 |
The BroLys | Wazza | 15/15 |
PDX Punks | PDX area locals (or those that wish they were!) Please complete Arclight Surges! | 14/15 |
RNG | For those who’ve only lost to bad luck | 14/15 |
Szakadarok | Üdv | 14/15 |
RoHunters | RO/EN guild. Be respectfull and be active! Arclight Surge is a must! | 14/15 |