Name | Description | Members |
Cali Nerds | Welcome! Cali hosted guild built around friendly nerds. | 15/15 |
SquirtleSquad | The OGs from Hearthstone / open to regular players ! | 12/15 |
位元堂 | 養陰丸~讚 | 15/15 |
Northern Ont | Make sure to do your daily chests and arc light surge. Let’s get that epic vial! | 15/15 |
Cripta Oscura | 🫠 | 12/15 |
Stinks | Formerly known as wawa | 15/15 |
Nice and Cool | It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice | 15/15 |
天上人间 | 只收女会员😍 | 10/15 |
Assassins | Welcome to the brotherhood. Everything is permitted, nothing is true! | 14/15 |
OnlyBros | Only requirement is to be active enough to get arc surges done and contribute. | 14/15 |
Ubriachimolesti | Solo aperitivi lunghi... | 17/15 |
Rock Lobster | But it wasn’t a rock, it was a rock…lobster. | 14/15 |
Zodiac | Welcome everyone! Lets all help each other unlock guild rewards | 15/15 |
ZUG ZUG | ZUG ZUG | 15/15 |
APEX | level 26 collection level for raids, try to get all units first over levels | 12/15 |
BLTG | Better Lucky Than Good | 15/15 |
Adventure Club | Here for the Adventure | 15/15 |
Horde | For the Horde! Pushing content…Zug-Zug | 15/15 |
Nograd | Dögös | 14/15 |
神風中学 | 1/15 | |
Hong kong | From hk | 11/15 |
So Fluffy | It's so fluffy!!! | 15/15 |
The Daniels | The Daniels. Realized | 9/15 |
TUGA PVP PVE | Malta os mapas azuis sao obrigatorios... De 3 em 3 dias. | 14/15 |