Name | Description | Members |
Death Warriors | Morir es vivir | 11/15 |
Magyarok haza | Magyarok jelentkezzetek! | 15/15 |
개꼰대들 | 꼰대가 싫어 만든 길드 | 14/15 |
WOW BR | Guilda para players ativos!!! | 1/15 |
The Lusty Boys | Bloodlust Gamers | 4/15 |
Eng Esp Rus | Welcome for English, Spanish, Russian speakers | 7/15 |
Death and Taxes | …and inflation, stupidity, gas laws, …. | 3/15 |
幽暗城 | 123 | 13/15 |
I Gruassi | Gruasso | 11/15 |
Italian knight | Remember WOW | 13/15 |
sharding | when shidding and farding | 5/15 |
尽欢 | 尽欢 | 1/15 |
Fijoh | Vimps | 6/15 |
Murloc Surpreme | Barlalalalala | 2/15 |
Krakden | Dooo yoo like smack? Dooo yoo like crack?! | 4/15 |
Niveaulos Ernst | Einfach niveaulos | 13/15 |
Gulag squad | Welcome to the gulag | 4/15 |
Mcdonalds | I’m lovin it | 7/15 |
The Scouts | Dedicate your hearts. | 6/15 |
Smize Guys | | 5/15 |
Potato boys | Dus..... | 11/15 |
MoonMoon Rabbit | Fun and memes | 3/15 |
Family Rumble | Just for me and the kids | 1/15 |
Lfg | Come | 1/15 |