Name | Description | Members |
NSC | Ταβακανι | 4/15 |
Zxcv | Asdf | 3/15 |
Burn Teldrassil | Sylvanas Did Nothing Wrong | 2/15 |
Okie Dokie | Me not that kinda orc…. | 4/15 |
Deeb Best Guy | The name says it all. | 2/15 |
Deus Horde | Гильдия открыта для всех активных игроков любой фракции! | 13/15 |
Trds at menards | Contribute to guild chest for big rewards, have help for strong builds and pvp | 2/15 |
Tsili Kafeneio | PPC | 2/15 |
Hell Toupee | There shall be Hell Toupee! | 6/15 |
THE NAHT CLAN | Welcome! Open to all active players! | 2/15 |
Yorkshire | If thas not Yorkshire thas shyte | 6/15 |
小可愛公會 | 👌 | 2/15 |
Nissas Hangout | A place for my love to play | 2/15 |
Facytconjunto | EL@CONJUNTO | 4/15 |
Rove Perennial | This'll be a blast | 4/15 |
Okidoki | Super Guild | 2/15 |
Overrated Pants | Pants Are Overrated - US Proudmoore | 5/15 |
UW | Underworld | 3/15 |
WWW Clash Royal | Only for those who are him. | 1/15 |
BlizzGMs | Blizz GMs only | 6/15 |
Reload | Chino vuelve | 3/15 |
MTX Enjoyers | Pay to lose | 9/15 |
La guildasse | Bienvenu | 14/15 |
SntorumImpralis | Senatorum Imperalis | 1/15 |
Breasla ROmble | Breasla pentru romani | 1/15 |