Name | Description | Members |
Spanish Pain | Todo el mundo es bienvenido!Everybody welcome! | 14/15 |
Tal Shiar | Text folgt | 1/15 |
DoomSlugs | The boys | 4/15 |
KoD | 3/15 | |
We are dem Bois | I might not be him but we are them. | 13/15 |
SSTTO | The official guild of Start Slow Then Taper Off | 2/15 |
Aggro Napkin | We are aggressive napkins. | 11/15 |
Nothing Special | Casual. Play when and if you want to. | 1/15 |
Dirty Birds | Go Birds | 9/15 |
Mottenschwarm | Community Gilde | 9/15 |
SM Rejects | Guild for SM rejects | 3/15 |
Bad Buds Brigad | That healer didnt lift me up | 14/15 |
HaanMon | Personal | 2/15 |
Amateur Hour | Fun group of friends | 14/15 |
Aeternus | Eterno | 13/15 |
CzechWarriors | CZ/SK guilda určená pro pohodové hráče | 15/15 |
Cz Sk | Přijímáme aktivní hráče všeho druhu skillu :) | 9/15 |
ONOS | OG | 2/15 |
Low landers | Dutch | 13/15 |
技高一筹 | 一起下棋 | 14/15 |
Andrés | Snayder | 12/15 |
Pinoy Alliance | pinoy ako | 15/15 |
Kobold Nuggies | Collecting nuggets, taking candles, getting buckets | 1/15 |
España | Hermandad para aventureros | 14/15 |