Name | Description | Members |
为了部落 | 兽人永不为奴! | 13/15 |
Por la Horada | Solo leales a la Horda | 8/15 |
Mmmrrrrrgglglll | Grrrrrlllllpl | 14/15 |
AlitaDeMosca | Hermandad para hechar unas risas y poder progresar con tranquilidad. | 11/15 |
China awesome | Welcome every China lover! | 12/15 |
Raki Balik | Bilen bilir | 3/15 |
Jura Tempest | Guild for beginners | 13/15 |
Grog Bandits | An older and more easy going crowd. Cheers! | 10/15 |
womanbeaters | big W za kazde krvipreliate | 14/15 |
The Scourge | PvE/PvP focused, all are welcome. My life for Ner'zhul! For the Scourge! | 15/15 |
TDB | The danish bears | 5/15 |
Kollapsgrad | Wir zocken bis wir kollabieren!! | 12/15 |
RAMBULAN PH | Active players are welcome! Let's level up together. #Rambulan | 11/15 |
Melb Marauders | Causal gaming Guild based Melbourne Australia. | 15/15 |
WR ID | lets a rumble | 15/15 |
Initus Novis | Chill | 15/15 |
Swedish Vikings | Swedish Vikings | 15/15 |
StupidityHaters | CZ/SK Guilda | 12/15 |
Last Sunrise | 6/15 | |
Invasão Kobold | Guilda de jogadores ativos no joguinho...BORA!!! | 3/15 |
Toe feasters | Toe | 14/15 |
Zugzwang | Aprendiendo ... | 11/15 |
Easy Two Chest | Join if u aren’t bad | 13/15 |
獸人永不為奴 | 為了部落!衝鋒! | 13/15 |