Name | Description | Members |
Wipe SG | Come join us! | 10/15 |
Big Booty Bay | We like Big Booty Bae in Big Booty Bay | 10/15 |
Melb Victory | Melbourne Victoria guild | 15/15 |
众神听令 | 闲鱼坊 | 10/15 |
Da Bloody Axe | Waaaaaaaargh | 14/15 |
Soul Society | Come | 14/15 |
Rumble Pirates | Rumble version of the Pirates of Azeroth guild on Draenor | 12/15 |
MikassaGOAT | Guilde active ! Troupe principal minimum 20 | 9/15 |
Parti Québécois | Guilde Qc / FR | 14/15 |
Cubanitos | Cubanos | 14/15 |
Orda di Ferro | For the Horde | 13/15 |
Les Ursidés | Les Koalas,les pandas et autres plantigrades ont les bien venues. | 6/15 |
애플 | apple 어서오세요 장기간 미접속은 추방합니다 | 14/15 |
LosChamos | PVe | 14/15 |
Banister boys | Banisters 4 lyfe | 13/15 |
hum ka chan | PUK GAI | 14/15 |
TribunalBrother | We require war chest participation, ie completing surges actively etc. | 10/15 |
随便玩玩 | 随便玩玩 | 12/15 |
Nortern Lights | Kommt ran | 13/15 |
Campfire | Family | 2/15 |
Hes my Stepdad | Relax | 6/15 |
TGS | TheGentlemenSquad | 14/15 |
P orno cz | Try hard, deep and faster | 14/15 |
Sempiternal | Will we ever see the end? | 15/15 |
Labyrinthos | OCE Casual Guild | 15/15 |