Name | Description | Members |
ZogZog | Pour la Horde !! | 10/15 |
Hidden Realm | Rumble guild for Hidden Realm wow guild | 15/15 |
Canadian Tuxedo | Denim on denin for Azeroth! Come get your denim guild chest! | 14/15 |
Leeroy Jenkins | Pretty casual. Just like Leeroy, we’re always ready to rush in unprepared. | 15/15 |
Envelop | You'll be purged if you don't contribute. | 15/15 |
Fourthieveslive | Cappin B itches | 14/15 |
Elite of Zeus | Welcome all | 15/15 |
BloodSeekers | War chests everywhere. This guild only | 13/15 |
Sadge | Welcome to Sadge. PvE but will switch to GvG . Semi-Comp. Contri or kick | 14/15 |
Astra | Welcome to Astra! | 15/15 |
Royal amsterdam | Need big dmg for raid join up | 15/15 |
PITICLI BONICO | Casual. La idea: pasar un buen rato. Entra si sabes quién es Piticli. | 14/15 |
CrescentDruids | Casual Play | 2/15 |
IceTeamRus | Ищем активных игроков: ярмарка, сезон, рейды. Неактивных жестоко кикаем:) | 9/15 |
Jah Ith Ber | Aktivität wird regelmäßig gecheckt. Bitte seid aktiv & helft mit 😊 | 12/15 |
Roketapar | This is the way | 15/15 |
Cesi | Cesi | 15/15 |
Suomi | Jep | 15/15 |
InShane Nation | Only for the InShane | 14/15 |
Bulgaria | Bulgarian Warcraft rumble gamers | 15/15 |
BBG | Back-Bone Gaming You need back bone to win | 14/15 |
Magyar harcosok | Ha lehet csak magyarok jöjjenek | 15/15 |
Xibalba | Everyones welcome to a place of fear. Casual progression guild. | 14/15 |
Los Tulachi | CMBH | 12/15 |
gmmmlmrmrgmg | Comfort is king - relax. | 14/15 |