Name | Description | Members |
Pilsen Warriors | Guilda pro lidi z Plně a okolí | 15/15 |
Hérauts Azeroth | Hello! Guilde active (clean saison) cherche du monde :) | 9/15 |
The Monstars | Step 1: Steal professional NBA players talent, Step 2: Rumble. | 15/15 |
复仇者联盟 | look me | 19/15 |
Dulo | welcome to the Bulgarian guild of dulo ... everyone is welcome here | 15/15 |
Gold Pls CZ | Prostě české socky, co nemají goldy ! | 15/15 |
FRONTIER MGL | Come on wolves. #mglchuud orod ir //Will kick inactive 7 days | 14/15 |
DAPR | Didn't Ask Plus Ratio | 14/15 |
SindicatoKobold | Tu no llevarte vela! | 9/15 |
GopherGaming | Gopher gaming | 15/15 |
NSFW | PvP foccused friendly guild. No monke gaming. Active pro gamers. No E-girls! | 15/15 |
Kuwait | Arabs welcome | 15/15 |
You are not inv | Anaseyo nickga konichiwa | 14/15 |
Roflcopter | You laugh u luz | 14/15 |
Excluded | Exclude | 15/15 |
Tunnel Snakes | We’re the Tunnel Snakes! And we rule! | 15/15 |
Absolute Soju | Enjoy the game together! Grow together! | 14/15 |
Filthy Casual | Embrace the filth. Become the casual. | 11/15 |
SitoAndCompany | Buscando el Norte podcast | 11/15 |
虎扑步行街 | 欢迎虎扑jr加入,保持活跃度 | 10/15 |
TheDarkKnights | QQqun:805556106.B zhan UP zhu nuomiyuanziyuhujisheng dong tai you wei xin qun. | 7/15 |
Wubalubadubdub | Gotta get that Szechuan sauce Biiiiiiitch | 3/15 |
Austria | Seid wertschätzend,respektvoll und gewinnt :). Forza Austria! | 12/15 |
Mereketengue | En Mereketengue nos comprometemos para ayudarnos mutuamente y mejorar | 12/15 |
Bif drengene | Ruben Bagger! | 14/15 |