Name | Description | Members |
VFG | Versace Flex Gods | 15/15 |
XOXO | Wow | 15/15 |
GoN UA | Guardians of Nature - 17 years old WoW guild from Ukraine. UA & EN lang welcome | 15/15 |
Vitamin GG | Play and have fun | 15/15 |
Casuals | Just playing casual | 15/15 |
Tabbed Out | Tabbed Out - Bleeding Hollow | 14/15 |
Xiake | Taiwanese and Xiake Fans ONLY. Please say hi after you join the guild. | 10/15 |
Bad habit | Bad fkn habit! Where we stay raid logged to play other dumb ish | 15/15 |
Mad Raclette | Lactose intolerance will not be tolerated. | 15/15 |
Blame Adam | and | 15/15 |
Par mee zee an | Rick and Morty lovers | 14/15 |
Lmboss | Lmboss | 10/15 |
Good Bar | Red Bull can and friends | 10/15 |
Eh nois | 19/15 | |
Nederland | Iedereen is welkom | 15/15 |
Yorkshire Gang | UK guild, all free to join and have fun. | 15/15 |
Horde | 정식 출시전부터 있었던 길드로, 약 3주 마다 하는 출첵 이외에 다른 규칙 X. 편하게 게임 하실분 오세요. | 8/15 |
Burley Boys | Casual Guild working on Arclight Surges/PvP. Inactive players will b rotated out | 13/15 |
Darknus Tickler | Time to tickle your Darknuss | 15/15 |
Silly Canines | We Todd Edd. Casual Guild. | 15/15 |
KUTFO | 3/15 | |
Babycheeks | Babycheeks | 15/15 |
War Song Clan | True Horde | 10/15 |
Yuup | Escouade Anti-Pom | 3/15 |
RWoWmania | Frati romani, la armeee!!! Let's rumble! | 3/15 |