Leader Balance
- Healing over time reduced from 88 per second to 70 per second.
- Health increased by 35%
- Emerald Whelps gain the Unbound Trait
- Emerald Drake gains the Resistant Trait
- Hibernate gold cost reduced from 2 to 1.
- Health increased by 30%
Troop Balance
- Health in Bear Form increased by 30%
- Damage in Bear Form increased by 10%
- Trollnado - Slightly increased range of effect
- Trollnado - Attack speed increased from 8 to 7
- Trollnado - More consistently does not target things it cannot knock back
- Meatier Elbow - Damage increased from 200 to 210
- Meatier Elbow - Attack speed increased from 4 to 3.2
- Health increased by 25%
- Health increased by 10%.
- Lightning Rod - Requires spending 5 gold or more to redirect spells (up from 4)