Shop Images and Offers
Lots of new images for the shop were added. One for each of the new split faction leaders and some for various PC launch offers.
- New shop offers:
- PC Welcome Pack costs $4.99 - 5x Modest Star Point Tome, 1x 1200 Coins
- PC Booster Pack costs $9.99 - 1x Mega Alliance Tome, 1x Mega Beast Tome, 1x Mega Blackrock Tome, 1x Mega Horde Tome, 1x Mega Undead Tome, 1x 1500 Coins
- PC Upgrade Pack costs $29.99- 2x Mythic Tome, 1x 2 Epic Upgrade Core, 1x 16000 Arc Energy, 5x Modest Star Point Tome, 1x 2500 Coins
- New Arclight Booster strings were added, including strings for 3/14/30 day Arclight Booster trials
- New string - On average, players with active boosters earn an extra 15,000 xp and 500 gems per week

Guild and Raid Changes
- The following string was changed to say Rumblers instead of Guild Members:
- Team up with other Rumblers to defeat Bosses and collect epic loot
- Lots of new strings were added:
- Join Open Queue / Join Guild Queue
- Queue Up! / Join Open Queue / Waiting For Group / Waiting for Partner / Looking for Partner / Matching you now!
- Your app version is out of date. In order to use co-op features you must update your app.
- Your Guildmate's app version is out of date. In order to use co-op features they must update their app

Winter Veil Event
- Winter Veil event strings and assets were added:
- Festive Fortifications
- Harpoon's Holiday Vacation
- Jinglebold

Misc Changes
- Many assets were updated to have smaller file sizes through image size reduction or compression changes.
- Some assets were made larger, such as talent icons
- A PC Launch event was added, with the challenges currently being just log in for X days