Name | Description | Members |
BresciAzeroth | Brescia Azeroth Capitale della Paura | 13/15 |
ForTheAlliance | For the alliance! | 2/15 |
NiRDs | Ninjas is Rad Dude | 1/15 |
Seams Sus | Suspiciously crafty. (Ava’s friends and cosplayers!) | 5/15 |
Gucci Gang | We own stuff | 4/15 |
SmallCacksClan | A guild of small cacks | 3/15 |
Xbladz | Soul skaters | 1/15 |
Aggramar Scum | Rats | 2/15 |
Rogue | Consistent surge play, casual energy | 1/15 |
MOEIN | Kill you bybe | 1/15 |
RotF Rumblefied | 4/15 | |
OPS | Our Ping Sucks | 10/15 |
Murlocks | Mrglrglr! | 2/15 |
Idem Dito | Idem dito, old wow guild | 1/15 |
Leskikou | Vien dire kikou | 12/15 |
Chinapower | Welcome | 13/15 |
Taco Tuesday | … | 1/15 |
NWO | New World Order Looking for active players !!! | 1/15 |
Forced to FTPVI | Forced to FTP VI | 12/15 |
Venturers Guild | From season of discoverys Guild of Venturers. | 2/15 |
Psycho Zombies | Idioma : Español | 12/15 |
Los pros | Entra y seras un pro | 12/15 |
TCD | Fiat lux! | 1/15 |
Nuke | Guild | 14/15 |
The Nightwatch | The Nightwatch on mobile! | 8/15 |