Name | Description | Members |
Wind Warriors | 3/15 | |
Warcraft Rumba | Let’s Dance! | 2/15 |
Ellie | Hi! | 5/15 |
Jaina Twins | Jaina is smart. We like her. | 4/15 |
Heaty feety | Se hva som skjer | 2/15 |
DAF | We are artists | 1/15 |
BMCC | CUNY. Your commander and chief walks the halls! | 3/15 |
DTsCoffee Co | Casual, looking for active players. If you’re AFK for a bit just let us know. | 3/15 |
NighElfClub | Guilda para novatos, sejam bem vindos! Ficar mais de 3 dias inativos toma ban | 7/15 |
Oxente | So vem | 11/15 |
Foxy Moron | Beep boop | 6/15 |
Gnang Friends | Hardest of Rs | 14/15 |
The Zug Zugs | Zug Zug. | 13/15 |
Bubble Tea Club | Sugar free | 12/15 |
Geng Kapak | . | 14/15 |
Kootie Kweens | That’s it | 2/15 |
Veneto Force | Benvenuti a tutti, Siamk una famiglia,ci si aiuta a vicenda😈💪🏻 | 15/15 |
Lok tar | Lok tar Ogar | 13/15 |
Average crew | We suk | 13/15 |
Caden | 6 | 2/15 |
Texas | texas | 15/15 |
Cabin | Not active. Mostly for wow guild, anyone is welcome though. | 13/15 |
赤脊山莽夫 | 欢迎活跃玩家入驻 | 11/15 |
House of Leaves | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. | 14/15 |
Meta | Stay steady grindin. | 4/15 |