Name | Description | Members |
Unyielding | <Unyielding> US-Lightbringer | 8/15 |
Kuwait Devils | 😒 | 15/15 |
HordaTRX | A por ellos | 13/15 |
Loscapturadores | Los mejores podéis entrar mucha suerte !!! | 13/15 |
Shiny Objects | This should be fun | 15/15 |
Firebirds | We are back... | 4/15 |
IKUN | .... | 14/15 |
Rare Spawns II | Secondary guild of Rare Spawns | 15/15 |
Qc mort vivant | Pourquoi pas! | 14/15 |
Quebec Masters | Sigil lvl 30 min | 13/15 |
Hacha de piedra | Solo se aceptan personas. No bots | 12/15 |
Supremacia Tupi | Hue | 14/15 |
wowold | huaijiu | 14/15 |
Island Boy | Gang gang | 13/15 |
Forgotten Oaths | A toca dos doidos | 12/15 |
NGA皇城根 | 定期清理人员,后期团本 | 2/15 |
Aries Misfits | Wahoozle | 14/15 |
Old Boy | Yi Qi Yang Lao! | 13/15 |
Bosco Atro | Storico clan di Clash Royale | 11/15 |
Purple Haze | Be active, participate and smoke a blunt 🔥 | 7/15 |
CSTR | Can’t stop the rain! | 9/15 |
Yogabbagabba | Friends | 15/15 |
Rumbler | Rum Rumblen… kommt einfach rein. | 11/15 |
Imagine Losing | Ez | 2/15 |
Old Six | 6666 | 13/15 |