Name | Description | Members |
Guildless | Join while you test drive this game or stay till you find a better guild. | 1/15 |
Bawk | Buckaww | 1/15 |
Coffee Time | Coffee? | 1/15 |
No mercy | No mercy | 1/15 |
Amnesia | Everyone Love Everybody! | 3/15 |
Felo | Lolo | 1/15 |
Aero | Zero resistance. | 1/15 |
NudeTLovers | All hail the glorius Ice T and his incredible bod. | 1/15 |
Boom Boom Heroe | For the heroes who Boom Boom | 1/15 |
King of Sumeria | Gilgamesh | 1/15 |
自然教派 | 1/15 | |
Leon do foso | Narutinho | 1/15 |
flipking | love love love | 1/15 |
老魔兽 | 来玩 | 1/15 |
Aquelarre | para divertirse | 1/15 |
QC WoW TEAM | Équipe québécoise de War of Warcraft | 1/15 |
Epic Guardians | Sk/Cz | 1/15 |
Guerreros | Hermandad latina | 1/15 |
Idk | Its whatever man | 2/15 |
Salut Fred | Bwabwabwaaaah | 3/15 |
KC KREW | KC FANS | 1/15 |
The chubby emus | Emus | 3/15 |
Mythologie | Jsp | 5/15 |
Vembuad | Вітання усім!!! | 1/15 |
Baguette | Oui oui baguette | 1/15 |