Name | Description | Members |
The Brotherhood | Be marry ant breit | 1/15 |
Power ups | Must be powered up | 2/15 |
Zayhawks Guild | For the boys | 1/15 |
Tired | Ifkyk | 1/15 |
Pug Life | Living that Pug Life | 2/15 |
Master Race | We R Teh Master Race | 1/15 |
Squadrofl | Buenas vibras | 1/15 |
Firemaw EU | Yes | 1/15 |
Big Oil | B I G O I L | 2/15 |
Mob | Official guild of twitch streamer Lucroan | 1/15 |
PAWGs | Pawgs only smh | 1/15 |
rivaldi | | 1/15 |
zypher | hhhh | 1/15 |
Memento Mori | only for active players | 1/15 |
Como é amigo | Você é pobre, é? | 1/15 |
OVERLORDS | Dominion over all… | 1/15 |
Hand of Arthas | The people.who do the thing that people know about | 1/15 |
devilsrejects | Hardcore gamers who want to become #1 request for invite | 1/15 |
Non Rythmatics | White ppl dancing | 1/15 |
Shmeat | Dhmeats | 1/15 |
TudaRangers | Fun | 2/15 |
GoldenRodT Hows | Hows of T. | 1/15 |
SoyBoyBabies | Manboobs | 1/15 |
Cuenta Rut | $hilenos - cobro 300 x giro en cajero | 1/15 |
Ronin | O/ | 1/15 |